Welcome to her hearth

a gathering place for all walks of life

Her (human-earth-relational) hearth is a place where magic transpires. The hearth is the place where we sit and gather in front of the fireplace. At this hearth, we do not see humans as separate from the earth and work with the more-than-human world to build connective and transformative experiences for all.

My name is Savannah Clancy. I am a musician, storyteller, community weaver, birthkeeper, and as everyone is…so much more! My philosophy is based in listening to my environment, Spirit, and inner voice. I am a co-collaborator in the unfolding process of life, and I love to connect with others on this earthwalk.

Everything I do is in deep reverence and respect towards all sentience. My intimate relationship with my more-than-human kin brought a desire to foster remembrance and reweave the connected threads of communication between humans and the more-than-human world. Doing so requires interpersonal and intrapersonal tending and reparations towards self, between humans, and our more-than-human kin. It is an ongoing process of learning and remembering, I am always a student of this life.